![]() 2010 februárjában hivatalosan is megnyílt az Egyetemi Színház központja (Szófia legújabb színházaként), amely helyet ad a Slug Theatre vándorelőadói programjának is A színház célja hogy az Új Bulgár Egyetem tanárainak és hallgatóinak épülésére szolgáljon, továbbá hogy gyümölcsöző kapcsolatokat építsen ki nemzeti és nemzetközi szinten. A színház az alábbi területeket kívánja fejleszteni: NBU has a long time theater practice, referred to as “Slug Theatre”. Each season the “Slug Theatre”appeared on stage at one time or another metropolitan theater, searching for its place and audience.In February 2010 we officially opened the University Theatre facilities that accommodate itinerant practice of the “Slug Theatre” and is the newest theater in Sofia. NBU has a long time theater practice, referred to as “Slug Theatre”. Each season the “Slug Theatre” appeared on stage at one time or another metropolitan theater, searching for its place and audience. In February 2010 we officially opened the University Theatre facilities that accommodate itinerant practice of the “Slug Theatre” and is the newest theater in Sofia. The theatre develops the following areas: * Research projects; * Own and co-productions; * Presentation of educational products in public spaces; * A training and seminar sessions in the field of contemporary theater theory and practice. The team of University Theatre hopes that it will launch other and more partnerships and NBU will extend the possibility of doing theater - for the young, to innovative, for all who like and make good theater. Die Übung